"Cochlear implants - advanced practical course" is the title of a course to be held from 12 to 15 June 2019 at the G.B. Mangioni Hospital street Leonardo da Vinci, 49 in Lecco. This course is part of a list of numerous courses on the same subject and always directed by Gianfranco Niedda M.D., consultant and director of the Otorhinolaryngology department Mangioni Hospital.
The course program is characterized by live interventions, master classes and round tables.
The round table on 12 June 2019 will discuss Hearing Aids. There will be an interesting report on the traditional hearing aid: limits and benefits.
In the round table of the following day, topics of particular interest will be discussed, such as the labyrinthectomy as opposed to vestibular neurectomy for the treatment of chronic vertigo. Very interesting will be the lesson of Caruso M.D. on the surgical technique with petrosectomy and "the importance of 3-Tesla MRI diagnosis".
Saturday June 15th the course will end with a round table "The management of complications".
Cochlear implant NAIDA - On the right the electrode to be inserted into the cochlea.
Lecco, Italy, G.B. Mangioni Hospital, course of Cochlear Implant - 12th / 15th June 2019
The course will be held at the G.B. Mangioni Hospital, street Leonardo da Vinci, 49 - Lecco. The organizing secretary is: ADB EVENTS & CONGRESSES tel. 0510959160. Gruppo Villa Maria (GVM) Campus ECM Provider (Provider No. 6028).
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