M.D. Carlo Govoni is in the "Città di Collecchio" Medical Care, Parma, based Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon. His private activities is based at East National Road n.4/A, Collecchio, Parma. Carlo Govoni offers expertise in all aspects of general otorhinolaryngology. He performs surgery of the ear, tinnitus, voice disorders, dizziness, children problems.
In the "Città di Collecchio" Medical Care performs Clinical Examinations of Vestibular Function, Vestibular Rehabilitation Exercises for dizziness and imbalance, Research Auditory Threshold, Fibroloaryngoscopy and Rhino-fibroscopy.
The PACC Medical Care is located in Collecchio - near Parma, East National Road, 4 - phone +39 3358040811
Entrance to Center "PACC 2" in street Provinciale Est 4/A
Free parking in via Aldo Moro and courtyard.
Contact us
Phone +39 05211682359 Only for urgent requests +39 3358040811 NO SMS - NO WhatsApp.
Carlo Govoni MD performs only visits to the Medical Center Baganza for private patients, both adults and children. He also performs audiometric tests, impedance tests, clinical examinations of the vestibular function.
Performing an otoscopy in a newborn.
This center has a 1.5 Tesla nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) service.
See also: Clinic, 9, Ruggeri street, Reggio Emilia.
Hesperia Hospital, 80, Arquà sreet, Modena
Carlo Govoni MD update meeting tinnitusclinic