This study was published in Italy in 1986 (*) and the efficacy and side effects of Tocainide Hydrochloride on tinnitus were verified. In 1980 Emmett J.R. and Shea J.J. (**) studied the use of Tocainide HCl in patients with chronic tinnitus and sensitive to the Lidocaine test.
Five patients where studied in order to verify the effect of Tocainide Hydrochloride in chronic tinnitus. All cases uderwent several clinical tests to avoide every external, middle and inner ear deseases and tried a treatment by traditional drugs without success. The patients were selected by a test based on intravenous injection of Lydocaine. On the base of this preliminary report it is possible to grant the theraputic effect of Tocainide against tinnitus but further about collateral effects and efficacy will be needed.
Lidocaine and Tocainide Hydrochloride are drugs more effective on multisynaptic systems. The acoustic pathway, as can be seen from this image, is a multisynaptic sensory pathway.
(*) Procaccini A, Govoni C, Cavalca V, Caroggio A. Dati preliminari sull'impiego della Tocainide Cloridrato nella terapia degli acufeni. La nuova audiométrie 2, 4-8, 1986.
(**) Emmett JR. Shea JJ. Treatment of Tinnitus with Tocainide Hydrochloride. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Jul-Aug 1980;88(4):442-6.
Tinnitus Clinic Milan - Columbus Clinic Center . (+39) 3358040811
48, Buonarroti Michelangelo street - Milan
.Carlo Govoni MD in update meeting on tinnitus for ENT specialists
Milan - Columbus Clinic Center - via Buonarroti, 48
Tinnitus - Buzzing - Ear Ringing
See also:
- Searching for the audiometric threshold, a fundamental examination of audiology
- Developing news strategies for therapeutic interventions in otorhinolaryngology