On 26, 27, 28 and 29 september 2021 one of the most important world conferences on otolaryngology will be held in Rome.

ORLIAC (ORL International Academic Conference) meeting has reached the eleventh edition; it's a periodic event that in the last years has mostly been organised in the East. In 2018 the meeting was held in Manila, the Philippines, and two years earlier at Kuala Lumpur. The conference will discuss the latest frontiers of knowledge of the nose, the ear and the head and neck district.

Researches in otology are particularly important. We will talk about implantable devices, both cochlear implants and also bone and active conductive devices of the middle ear. The most recent experiences on vestibular electrical stimulation will also be discussed.

impianto cocleare naida impiantabile

Cochlear implant


In the rhinology section will discuss the reduction of turbinates with radio frequencies.

The conference venue is the Auditorium Antonianum, in viale Manzoni, in Rome.  Not far from the Auditorium there is the Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine (see photo).

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