4th International Conference and Surgery Exhibition on Rhinology and Otology, DUBAI - UAE - May 01/03 2017. 

The topics to be discussed are numerous.
- Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, surgical techniques and preoperative embolization

- Hypertrophia nasal turbinates and surgical treatment. 

- Sensorineural hearing loss 

- Otitis external in tropical areas

- Tinnitus and ringing of the ear

- Ototoxic drugs

- Neck lipomas


audiogram severe presbycusis

    Audiogram of severe presbycusis.

This is an example of the hearing ability of older people. The problem of deafness in the elderly is an important issue affecting millions of people.


See also:

- Hearing loss


- London, 3rd european conference, october 2018


- Neck dissection


- Mark the Scientific Eccellence in otorhinolaryngology - Paris - September, 19-20 - 2022