Ear Nose Throat (ENT) surgeon, Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at Parma (Italy) University.

Registered with the Surgical and Medical Association of Reggio Emilia to n. 1908  from december 1981.

Fellowship and Accredited Trained Specialist in Otolaryngology (ENT) in 1984 at Parma (Italy) University.

Master in Clinical Methodology of Headaches in 1990 at Turin (Italy) University.

Master in "rhinoseptoplasty open - practice in the operating room" Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome. Academic year 2014/2015

Second level Master in Vestibology - University "La Sapienza", Polyclinic Umberto I°, Rome. Academic year 2017/2018.


Working activity   -  Worked as ENT Specialist in outpatients departments from 1987 to 1989 in the city of Cuneo, Fossano (CN), Mondovì (CN) and Cernusco on Naviglio (Milan).

He had been frequenting courses and clinics at Georges Portmann Foundation in Bordeaux (prof. Michel Portmann) (1991) and at University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands (prof. Van Den Broek) 1992.

He frequented department of otolaringology in Piacenza Hospital and Castel San Pietro Terme Hospital (BO) practical studies of Rhinology and cosmetic surgery of nose.

Physician ENT surgeon in the ENT department of Verbania (Italy) Hospital since 1989 till December 2011.

verbania ospedale castelli pallanza entVerbania (Italy), Castelli Hospital.


Now he works as ENT specialist in some private hospitals and healthcare clinics from 2012 in the Hesperia Hospital in Modena

modena hesperia hospital facciata otorino govoniHesperia Hospital, Modena



milano columbus clinic center aree cliniche  Columbus clinic Center, Milan, surgical room


He currently works since 2014 at the Columbus Clinic Center in Milan as a specialist in otolaryngology.

He practises ENT specialistic activity as private healts professional in polyclinics and private practices.

He did as first surgeon a lot of surgical operations in the field of his specialty, oncologic and major surgery also, specialist opinion provided on the full spectrum of ENT disorders.

roma policlinico umberto miglior ospedale govoni otoneurologo vestibologo otorinolaringoiatria

Rome (Italy), University "La Sapienza", Policlinico Umberto I°

Moreover he is interested in dermo-suregery, microsurgery of internal ear, cosmetic surgery of face, otoplastic, septoplastic, rhinoplastic.  He is clinically interested in audiology and vestibology (labyrinthic vertigo).

He works also as consultant for perital activity for the evaluation of personal damage, in cas of injury, professional desease in the field of his specialty.

He is the main author of about 40 scientific publications, mainly of othology, audiology and ear surgery, published on Italians and internationals reviews. He is also author of five chapters of "Treatise of Surgical Technique" [Trattato di Tecnica Chirurgica], volume XII° - Chirurgia otorinolaringologica - UTET, Turin, 1989.

He presented his works in many medical conferences.

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Professor of - sound physics, prothesis and technical aid, clinic of hearing impairment - for teachers of handicapped students. He contributes with his activities in defense of deaf patients as a physician of National Deaf Association.
He is a member of the Italian Association ORL of Chirurgia Estetica Funzionale Rino-Cervico-Facciale   www.aicef-chirurgiaplasticafacciale.it    and member of Vestibology Italian Society -

 telephonic number carlo govoni ent surgeon


See Activities carried 

Ear pain, tinnitus, hearing loss, noises in the ears, wax blockage, otitis externa, outer ear problems, glue ear, otitis media with effusion, Eustachian tube problems, acute Otitis media, chronic otitis media and cholesteatoma, eardrum perforations, otosclerosis.

Dizziness, balance problems, labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis, Menieres disease, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). Diagnosis and surgical therapy of injuries to the facial nerve.

Grommet insertion (paediatric and adult), myringoplasty and timpanoplasty, mastoid surgery, surgery for cholesteatoma, ossiculoplasty, stapedectomy, bony meatoplasty, removal of exostoses, pre-auricular sinus excision, osseous labyrinthectomy, intratympanic steroid injection, endolymphatic sac surgery (surgery for Menieres disease). Diagnosis and surgical therapy of malignant tumors of the ear.

Nasal blockage, nasal discharge, phlegm, disorders of smell (and taste), nosebleeds (epistaxis), nasal infection, facial pain, sinusitis (acute and chronic), headache, postnasal drip, rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, nasal polyps, deviated nasal septum.

Nasal cautery, septoplasty, turbinate reduction (partial excision, submucous diathermy, surface cautery),  decongestion turbinate with radiofrequency - RFTR, intranasal polypectomy, reduction of nasal bone fractures, functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), ethmoidectomy, antrostomies, sphenoid sinus surgery, sinus washouts.

Diseases of the salivary glands. Treatment of benign and malignant tumors of the salivary glands. Partial and total parotidectomy with preservation of the facial nerve. Surgical excision of submandibular glands.

Throat and larynx  
Sore throat, difficulty swallowing, feeling of a lump in the throat, throat pain, acute and chronic tonsillitis, globus pharyngeus, snoring, breathing difficulties, crypt debris, base of tongue problems, hoarseness, voice strain, dysphonia, gastropharyngeal reflux, lumps in the neck, vocal cord problems, vocal cord nodules, vocal cord cysts, vocal cord carcinoma, cancers of the throat.

Surgical operation on the throat, larynx and facial bones   
Tonsillectomy (paediatric and adult), adenoidectomy, endoscopy (pharyngoscopy, laryngoscopy, oesophagoscopy,) microlaryngoscopy, polyp excision and other operations on vocal cord, vocal cord biopsy, thyroglossal cyst excision.
Removal of wisdom teeth included.  Treatment of fractures of the mandible. Reduction of fractures cheekbone and other facial bones. 

Surgery of the larynx and the neck.
Lymph node excision. Partial and total laryngectomy. Neck dissection. - Tracheostomy. Surgery of lipomas and other tumors of the neck.



See also:       Private practise and activities.

Curriculum vitae en français


carlo govoni the best ORL Milan vestibologo migliore otorinolaringoiatra Reggio Emilia

2022 arte medicina carlo govoni copertina

  Curriculum vitae italian version





 Art & Medicine - a book edited by Carlo Govoni     




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