
Dr. Carlo Govoni, otorhinolaryngologist, treats adults and children at the Hesperia Hospital in Modena. Dr. Govoni is specialized in nasal and sinus diseases, otology, hearing and balance loss, cervical and facial surgery, larynx diseases, head and neck cancer surgery.

Insure and Self Funding: please call  (+39) 3358040811  NO SMS - NO WhatsApp   


modena hesperia hospital facciata ingresso otorino carlo govoni

Modena: Hesperia Hospital - main entrance.



HESPERIA HOSPITAL, 80,  Arquà street,  MODENA    zip code: 41125

migliore parcheggio esperienza qualit govoni carlo esperto otorino bambini  free parking in the inner court and in via Arquà.

See also:

In this and in the other centers where I carry out medical examinations
it is possible to pay in euros in cash or by debit card.


carlo govoni otorhinolaryngologist the best doctor booking telephone


modena hesperia hospital sala operatoria chirurgia carlo govoni

An operating room of Hesperia Hospital.

modena hesperia hospital bimbi otorino govoni


Carlo Govoni also visits Reggio Emilia, Ruggero Ruggeri street, 9 - phone 3358040811

modena palazzo ducale

  Historical center of Modena: Ducal Palace.