Hesperia bimbi onlus is a non-profit humanitarian association of doctors and nurses that treats children around the world.

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Hesperia Bimbi ONLUS intends to operate in the charity sector as required by art. 10 paragraph 2 bis of Legislative Decree 460/97, as well as in the social and socio-health care sector in favor of disadvantaged people, carrying out the following primary activities:

- assist children of any nationality affected by congenital or acquired diseases that limit the quality of life or can cause it to end;
- support the poor families of the children referred to in the previous point by offering them the reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses for medical treatments, therapies and surgery;
- favor medical progress for the treatment of congenital or acquired pathologies of infrequent and for which there is still no adequate care coverage;
- promote the training of health workers in the most needy countries.

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