Definitive Course in Middle Ear Surgery and Hearing Restoration, Beziers (France) Causse Ear Clinic.
June 30th - July 3nd 2016

3 days course are designed to present and teach all essential operative procedures in surgery for otosclerosis, implantable hearing devices, ossicular reconstruction, chronic suppurative otitis media and cholesteatoma of the middle ear.

ear external middle internal

External ear, middle ear and inner ear.

Session 1 - Otosclerosis
Session 2 - Ossicular reconstruction
Session 3 - The latest in implantable hearing devices
Session 4 - CSOM (Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media) with and without cholesteatoma 

Strategic Thinking and Decision Making.

tac middle ear ent carlo govoni

CAT scan of the middle ear


protesi acustica retroauricolare chiocciola batteria govoni orecchio otite

Retro-auricolar hearing aid


See also:

- Searching Audiometric Threshold 

- Sudden deafness

- Temporal bone and middle ear dissection: Bordeaux